
[E370]Space "Treasure Map" Guides E.T. Search

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Space "Treasure Map" Guides E.T. Search

By Christopher Intagliata on March 3, 2016

Carl Sagan[1] once referred to our home planet as [CLIP: "a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam[2]."] And that poetic description[3] holds true[4] for a lot of exoplanets[地外行星], too. In fact one of the simplest ways we detect exoplanets is by looking at their sunbeam… and measuring how it dims[变模糊,变暗淡], ever so slightly, as the exoplanet passes across it, called a transit[5]



[1]卡尔·爱德华·萨根(Carl Edward Sagan,1934年11月9日-1996年12月20日),美国天文学家、天体物理学家、宇宙学家、科幻作家,和非常成功的天文学、天体物理学等自然科学方面的科普作家。行星学会的成立者。 


[2]我们身在宇宙之中,就像是漂浮在尘埃中的一颗微粒。(而我相信,人类的未来会是如何,端视我们对宇宙的了解有多么透彻而定。)——Carl Sagan





Which raises an interesting question: "Thinking about extraterrestrial[地球外的] observers—which of them would observe the Earth, moving across our own sun?" Ralph Pudritz, a theoretical astrophysicist[1] at McMaster University[2] in Canada. He and his colleague René Heller quantified[测量;量化;定量] the narrow band[3] of space from which any observers on other worlds would be able to see the Earth transiting the sun. 







And they determined that this line of sight[1] would be a plane just half a degree thick, but that cuts through a slice of our galaxy that's estimated to contain 100,000 sunlike stars… along with their companion planets. The analysis is in the journal Astrobiology[2]. [René Heller and Ralph E. Pudritz,(online soon)]







Pudritz and Heller suggest that hunters of extraterrestrial life may want to listen particularly closely for signals originating at star systems[1] within that narrow band of galactic[银河的] sky. Advanced civilizations there may have already detected us using the transit method, they say, and may now be sending us a message. You might think of this paper, then, like a treasure map[2], for intelligent life. "We don't know if there's treasure out there of course, right? You never know that about a treasure map. But it's a good place to look.”






—Christopher Intagliata

From 60-Second Science






